Scottish Mountaineering Trust

We are a Scottish charity that provides grants to projects and organisations that promote public recreation, knowledge and safe enjoyment of the mountains, especially in the mountains of Scotland.

The Trust supports:

  • Publication of guides to, and information about the Scottish mountains
  • Footpath construction and maintenance
  • Land purchases that ensure public access
  • Mountaineering education and training, especially that aimed at young people
  • Mountain rescue teams and organisations, for equipment and facilities
  • Renovation of club huts available to the wider mountaineering community
  • Expeditions with educational or scientific objectives aligned with those of the Trust

Our work is financed by donations from individuals and organisations who share our values, and from the publication of guidebooks for the Scottish Mountaineering Club and other books connected with the Scottish Hills.

SMT is Entrusted with Hamish MacInnes’ Estate

Final Ascent: The Legend of Hamish MacInnes (@FinalAscentFilm) / Twitter

Hamish MacInnes had a lifelong love of the Scottish mountains and devoted a large part of his life helping people enjoy those mountains safely.

The Scottish Mountaineering Trust has been chosen by his executors to manage his considerable estate so as to continue his life’s work.

Chairman David Broadhead explained: “We are delighted that the MacInnes trustees have decided to pass Hamish’s legacy to the SMT. We recognise that this is a big responsibility, as Hamish was a complete individual steering his own course through life, and the SMT will ensure that his values and memory will live on through the projects we support.”

This bequest follows on from the publications by the Scottish Mountaineering Press of the award-winning book The Fox of Glencoe, that chronicles his adventures and achievements in the field of mountaineering.




Projects Supported by the SMT

Heavy work on the Creag Bheag path

Kingussie’s Wee Gem Gets a Polish

Kingussie Community Development Company (KCDC) has won a £9000 SMT grant for work on the Creag Bheag path near the hill’s summit. The path is “the jewel in the crown” of the town’s 20-mile path network, and will soon provide an even finer circular hill walk, with fantastic views across the Spey valley.

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